Saturday, December 19, 2009

Recording Goodbye

As I mentioned previously, our band has embarked once again on the process of recording our songs. A few days ago, we did some test recordings (you can listen to them here). I"m especially pleased with how the cover of Steve Earle's song, Goodbye, turned out.
Last night, after having spent a bunch of time listening back to and playing along with the latest mix of this song, I found that I couldn't get the song out of my head: It was "playing" so loudly that I couldn't get to sleep. Then I realized that I was getting that deep, achey sadness that I get when thinking about loss, and especially, when contemplating the loss of my father (see earlier posts).
It seems that even a song about a different kind of loss from my own can trigger my own feelings of loss and sadness. Loss is loss, I guess: Whether we know it or not, we all suffer from it in one way or another, and this seems obvious to me now that I think of it. It's just that it can surprise you from time-to-time. Loss waits in ambush: You never know when it'll trip you up.
With the "holidays" approaching, I'm especially vulnerable to these feelings: My father's death spun my family into a place that yielded a few not-so-fun memories around Christmas. So, I'm a bit down today. Enough for now.